Just missing rare gjoob on plant got every other plant island monster please light! 83738282GG
this is my third one in 1 week 😭
I just want to get t-roxes for pixoltol but i keep breeding ghazt on my mirror island 😭
1057962808KA Will light torches almost everyday!
RICO, I sent you an invite to the McTribe 100+, if you are still looking for a great tribe to grow with, you’ve found it!
We are only 2 weeks old, but already past 1k with only 15 out of 30!
Hi everyone, i light torch everyday and sometimes randomly give keys. 43780698NM
P.s: will be unfriending anyone who doesn’t light torch back
Returning player having to restart new. Will light torches everyday and would appreciate it if my torches got lit. 1062731311KN
I added a few people from the Home page who else i can add ?
I usually play everyday, and iam new to lighting torches hehe
@SWIECZKA1245 your friend code is probably on pc because i cant access it, just so everyone knows, im on mobile
I've been traveling and keeping up as best as I could. I'm back now and I'll be adding all the new peeps! GRAMONSTER 1058504122IC
Correction: I restarted my game after trying multiple times and it worked. Sorry!
@⭐ DUMIAHBRO ⭐ just wanna let you know that your friend code doesn’t work. I’m on mobile, so if you’re on steam please specify it
Also I'm looking for a tribe, I can usually feed up to level 60-70 each week.
Sorry for anyone who hasn't been getting their torches lit by me, I just rejoined the game again after 9~ months so I will be active way more from now on.
Thanks to the new members who joined McTribe 100+ !!!!!!! We are so happy to have you 🤗
This week is really looking up for us 🤩 💎 ⭐️ 💎⭐️💎⭐️💎⭐️💎⭐️💎⭐️💎⭐️💎⭐️💎⭐️💎⭐️
oop copied the entire thing instead of just the message
⭐ DUMIAHBRO ⭐ 7 days ago
If you guys haven't yet, add me: 88864111HH
With anniversary month's finale just around the corner, there's no better time to have torches lit than now!
I light 6 times a week, but don't worry if you light less. Simply light what you can and I'll match it! I won't remove anybody
(Also don't worry about sending me keys, I have hundreds)
Hi friends!
-Tribal team Harmonious Bliss-
Hello! I'm Anxelz, one of the leaders of Harmonious Bliss. Our tribe is legendary, present on the leaderboard since the beginning. Today we still maintain that position. We have been growing together, long time players, new players... others who leave…. but we are here!! If you want to join this great tribal family, send me a dm. We have tribes for all levels. We will be happy to have you and see you grow!! If you have already grown, you can join one of our tribes on the Leaderboard. Currently we ask for 200++ feed on the front page tribes. We also have places at 140, 120, 110 whatever it is. If you want to meet us and/or join us, we have a small discord server where we can meet!
PD: i m posting here cause i can t post it on tribes. May be Jack can delete me from Daves?
McTribe 100+ is growing fast, anyone who is able to feed to 100 (or will be able to soon) and would like to join, please add me as a friend and request to join:
Let’s light each other’s torches 🔥🔥🔥 too 😊!!!!
ELUUAVAATU, my pleasure!!
Thank you so much for lighting mine too 😊🔥🔥🔥🔥!
I light torches every day. I would appreciate it if people lit my torches
1018858449EH (Join My Tribe!) I'm very active and if you light my torches I'll light yours!
@MCMAW50 …Thanks for being a reciprocating torch lighter! (So many people are not)
Eluua Vaatu 1041380572AE level 76; Torch lighters are appreciated. I diligently light torches for anyone who lights mine.
96455750MK Hey, just add me through my friend code and we can start helping each other out 👍 I check MSM multiple times a day.
1016352102NM i light all torches 6 times a week and somtimes send keys. If you want you can join my tribal island.
Hi everyone, i light torch everyday and sometimes randomly give keys. 43780698NM
1016870105ID can yall light my air torches so I can get that epic bird thing
If you guys haven't yet, add me: 88864111HH
I light 6 times a week, but don't worry if you light less. Simply light what you can and I'll match it! I won't remove anybody
(Also don't worry about sending me keys, I have hundreds)
If you would like to join my tribe, I will invite you to my private wall so we can communicate with each other (optional), so please message me privately on this platform 🙂
NEW 100+ tribe!! McTrube 100+
Please add me as a friend: 1055784443HH
I am the tribe leader - McMaw50. We only have 3 members so far, so there is a chance it might be a bit slow while we are adding more members.
If you are close to be able to feed to 100 but not quite there - it’s not a problem, as long as you are active and growing.
We don’t care what monsters we have - just choose which one you like and join!!! We would love to have a full tribe by the end of the week 😎
I also try to light for ALL my friends every day. May skip a day every now and then, but I an very active, so please add me and if you need a great active happy tribe - request to join 🤩
@SLOWINGERMINE98 i will light if you light mine*
Hi my friend code is 1055605492FC
I will light your torches if you like might i light everyday
My nickname is Slowingermine98
MCMAW50 you can join my tribe
Hello, my Friend Code is 1037503008IM. Feel free to add me, I've been pretty sick lately and haven't been the best at torchlighting, but I'm trying my best. Several of you have continued to light for me anyways and I'm thankful! I'm usually a daily lighter, but not when my health gets bad. As long as you keep me as a friend, I will catch up!! Thanks guys! (I don't light on this page as I haven't figured out how to, and it's double the work.) If you click on your torch friend's name in your friend list, you can see how many torches you or your friend have lit though.
Hello my code is 1020221957KD
My nick is CHRUM22 if you light my torch i will light back
Hi I light torches daily and need to stop spending diamonds on my own torches freind code: 83738282GG
Also I have 0 stars because I forget to mark it in the app
Light my torch and I will light yours
Hi everyone, i light torch everyday and sometimes randomly given key. Open for tribe and key pal 43780698NM
STEAM: 4000275594NA
Hey! I play everyday. Please light my plant island or air island torches!
Hey, it's Sophie 90618781ML. I Light torches everyday. Sometimes I forget to come here and "log them in". If you light mine I'll light yours.
Hi all!! Me and my daughter are looking for 100+ tribe!
She’s level 53 and I’m 50.
Right now we can feed around 100-120.
Thx yall for lighting I got an Epic Blabbit
Hi! I am in need of torches lit for the spotlight islands. I will return the favor to you
Code: 1012444781HN
If you guys haven't yet, add me: 88864111HH
I light 6 times a week, but don't worry if you light less. Simply light what you can and I'll match it! I won't remove anybody
(Also don't worry about sending me keys, I have hundreds)
1016507941AL Any island is cool with me! Will light back
🔥 66560542IK 🔥 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MONTH!!! I might not light your torches in time on weekdays since I have classes.
Add me and if you light my torches I will lite yours back I promise
DYLAN | 65513276GM
Friend Code: 65513276GM
I try to light back as much as I can! Light any highlighted island first please
Add me! if you light my torches i light back
Will light torches i login 2 to 3 times per day and light everybody (leaving a like too)
add me!! I light back i swear i just forget to put it on the website!!
Add me so I can light your torches and you light mine back
please light ethereal and air i will light back
hello guys im in need of torch lit for my island here is my id 93896995EF i will lit yours too
Also I've added everyone thats posted within the past 20 days!