The Wishing Torch Wall

Hello! Looking for consistent torch lighters, like myself! I’d love to let your torches if you light mine back. Level 74 daily player! Thanks friends!
Hello! Looking for consistent torch lighters, like myself! I’d love to light your torches if you will light mine back. Level 74 daily player! Thanks friends!
Hello everyone! Im glad to find this website. I will very appreciate if you add me. I will try my best to light torches back
Hi guys im new add me and ill light yalls torches everyday and if you can pls send keys id really appreciate it ty!
Hi fellas! Add me! I'll light y'alls torches daily if you light back!
And all fifty others too ig, lol.
@N.A.MORNINGSTAR No prob! Glad to have you on my (ever expanding) list of friends. Stay safe, and I'll be back by tomorrow to light your torches!
@THEDON ups, I forgot ':>
Thank you though ,
I'll just drop attach now:
@N.A.MORNINGSTAR Heya! I'd love to help your light torches on your islands and stuff, but I noticed you didn't drop your friend code. Here's mine instead: 85224284HG. Hope you're having a good one.
Hiya, kinda new here ^⁠_⁠^,
I'm looking for some nice folks to light my torches :>,
I don't know if I can relight yours daily, but I'll try my best ':>.
1036142142HA - Hello, former consistent torchlighter here. I just got back into MSM and cleaned out my friend list, as I'd like to have a smaller list of new torch buddies that log in almost daily!
Gramonster 1058504122IC I will lite your torches! Add me please!
Add me!! 1036131952II
I will light everyday if you light back!
pls add me steam 4002214268AM
@@SUN <3 I removed you from the tribe since you had not fed by Friday night. I re invited too and will gladly add you again if you want.
* 1013085217FJ-(7/5/2024)-username: BlackRaven441-please light my torches on EARTH or PLANT island and i will do the same! Thank you for whoever follows through.
Hi all I need a new Tribe to join please add me
1024565070MC - Mr._Meh
Heya light my torches and ill light yours 1058758090MG ty!
Didja miss me? Or did I get forgotten about lol
@EGGYABBY(HIGHLIGHT) You'll have to light for around a day or two for stars to appear
1027878158GK I love water island! Light mine and I will try to light some back as soon as I can.
Back from a month break from this game. One of the most active lighters here back on the grind
Lighting every day ^^ Feel free to add, it's give and take
(Expecting to get torches lit back)
Is the data table not working for anyone else?
Lighting every day
1050370166CE i light daily or almost daily if light mine too!
Also I can't find out how many stars I have
Alright everyone. Going to buy 1st Wubbox soon, in the meantime, please light my naturals, I try my best to light daily! Going for duplicates of all ethereals and going for 2 humbugs! Thanks!
11 years?!
(So the reason why this page was created its because BBB was to lazy to add what friend light your torch when they lighted a torch in a island, that's genius )
@WISHINGTORCH.COM Oh wow, I had no idea! This website definitely gives me vibes of a website from the early 2010s and I can see why something like this would have been super useful back when you had no idea who lit a torch for you. Even if I started using this website long after it became redundant, I still really enjoy meeting new people on it. Thank you for maintaining this place!

Thank you Jack for maintaining this place, already preparing for summersong!!
TOSHIO 89151861KL  

Weekly level: 4500+
Minimum feeding requirement: 140 (943,810 shards)
Weekly Starpower: >5500

Add @toshioiscool on discord, and dm me with your friend code, username, and what level you can feed to if you are interested.
@EDWINGAMES @ASLICEOFYOYLECAKE The site looks back 10 days and works out how many of those 10 days you have lit on and gives you a rating according to that. As you mentioned, one light counts just as much as 100 on the same day. It's a frequency gauge more than a quantity gauge.

For new people it will take into account how many days you have been here, so if you have been here 3 days and lit on 3 different days, then that's a 5* as far as we are concerned

These things used to mean a lot more when the game didn't have the things it does now. Way back when the game first came out you had no idea who lit a torch for you, just that one got lit. That is why this site came to be. There were people all over the social sites claiming to light people's torches, knowing full well that you had no idea if they did or not. So I put this site together so like-minded people could light each other's torches and get rewarded for putting in a bit of extra work. Then BBB let you know who lit for you, which made the site kind of redundant, but even after 11 years people seemed to enjoy it here, so I have kept it up.

I poke my head in now and again to see what is going on, but I haven't played the game in many years now.
HAZEL ~ 1021332477LJ
I just realised not everyone may know this but the island you’re on when you close the game is the island people are taken to when lighting your torches so for the best chances of getting the right islands lit close the game on them. <3
ive won 1000 from the roulette twice and that led to me doing a lot of gambling

I just won 25 diamonds on the roulette
what i need to do with those?
(i have 28 )
@EDWINGAMES yyou get 5 stars because the website only cares about if you light all of your friends everyday. so even if you just have 1 friend that you light everyday i think thats enough for 5 stars
Also sorry if i dont lighted torches early, because my phone for some reason when i visited a persons the app just loads up in the loading screen
(sorry if its poorly explained i have like 32 persons to light their torches and also dont forget that i speak spanish)
Wait... i don't understand
like why in just one day i have 5 stars
@EDWINGAMES lol i also got attached to msm again mainly bcuz of ethereal workshop, i'll be sure to light a candle when i'm able to get my phone again.
Sorry i forgor to add my code
Wassup dudes!
im new on this thing of lighting wishing torches,
but i have interested on this thing since i was recently attached of playing msm (for the third time )
and im trying to get some monsters, like rares, mythics, and seasonals on seasonal shanty (or even other type of monsters because i forgor )
here's my friend code if you want to light my torches or send me keys!
also you can send me yours for the same reasons as mine
(oh and sorry if there's any grammatical errors on my post, im a spanish person but i can understand english and write in english, but not for speaking, for speaking i suck )
@BLACKRAVEN441 lit a torch!
please light my torches on plant island and i will do the same! Thank you for whoever follows through.

My code is - 1013085217FJ
(Also please add me on this website as a friend if you do) ^_^
I just cleared out over 335 friends to be super active on this website. Please light my Light Island! If you can't light that, check my other highlighted islands! Happy 4th of July!


36010596LK Light my highlighted torches daily and I’ll do the same for you!
94721158FA If anyone has a level 100+ Tribe and is looking for someone please invite me to it I need starpower
Amber island is good? I'm thinking in bit some vessels
@NAMASTE🔥 I hope you can navigate now, like I said, it is still not working 100% for me when I use the I pad.
@CUPCAKE WITH TWINKLES🧁 sorry to hear you are having health issues, sending good wishes your way! 🫂 About the game, I believe the crashing bug has been fixed, although when I use the I pad, it still doesn’t work 100% 🥴
please add me😭 i will light your torch everyday as long as you light mine. thank you!!!
1036142142HA  - Hello, former consistent torchlighter here. I just got back into MSM and cleaned out my friend list, as I'd like to have a smaller list of new torch buddies that log in almost daily!
anyone elses game broken when lighting torches?
@꧁༒M₳Y༒꧂ Hi! Yeah, I had a LOT of crashing and the map, although it loaded just fine it crashed every time I chose a destination. For the past two days, I’m happy to say, it looks like they fixed it. Although it doesn’t makeup for breeding and lighting opportunities lost, it appears to be working…at least for me…
HAZEL ~ 1021332477LJ
@!VEXINO That seems very reasonable. I still love this website but definitely understand that it can be a bit laborious to use which isn’t for everyone. Good luck & happy monstering friend! <3